Author Biographies
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Carma Haley Shoemaker
Editor in Chief
Carma Haley Shoemaker
    Carma Haley Shoemaker is a wife, mother of three, and a writer. A native of Ohio, Carma's work has been featured in various regional, online, and national publications including Baby Years, Pregnancy, and Women's Health and Fitness magazines. Her true passion is as a poet and children's fiction writer. She hopes to have one of her children's works released by the first of 2003. Carma also writes under the name of Lia Sapphire, and has various works in progress related to adult erotica, Pagan folklore, and children's Pagan stories.
    Carma is the creator and owner of the Write Pagan Moms Community. Her inspiration was born from the input, needs, wants, and expressed desires of her friends of many paths. While there are many great online writing sites, online parenting groups, Pagan sites, and online communities, there was not one that combined all of these things. There lies the basis of WPMs.
    People are a combination of all the aspects in their lives and should be allowed to express themselves regardless of what the concern or topic without the fear of ridicule (what Carma calls the "R" word) or judgment (what Carma calls the "J" word). Acceptance is something we all want, but give sparingly.
    The Write Pagan Moms is a community for friendship, support, understanding, advice, guidance, help, giving, sharing, and kindness ... regardless of what path you follow.
    Carma's hopes for the WPMs community is that is will one day be known as one of the best and most informative Pagan communities on the Internet - or anywhere else.

Sarah Gaunt
Sarah Gaunt Sarah Gaunt, single mom, writer, editor, has spent her life between San Antonio and Austin, in central Texas. She has written for and maintains a diary and is the diary coordinator for She also owns and publishes The Nursing Mom's News, a monthly ezine dedicated to breastfeeding articles, essays, and more, written by breastfeeding mothers.
    Sarah is a committee member of Texans for Midwifery, a grassroots consumer advocacy group for midwifery, working towards midwife- and homebirth-friendly legislation in Texas.
    Sarah has been pagan as long as she can remember, but only learned there were names and words for it in 1994. She feels all things are sacred, and that the divine can be found within the mundane. She doesn't get a chance to practice as much as she would like, but is always looking for new ways and new rites, especially involving her sons. Writing has come to her like dreaming, unstoppable, imaginative, and with a tendency to jump around unpredicably. She's working on it. ;)
    Sarah hopes to publish a book of poetry someday, and feels there are a couple pagan children's books floating around in her head as well. She dreams of earning enough money doing what she loves to stay home and be with her children.

Krista J. Monson
Monthly Devotion/Blessing Columnist for "Blessed Be"
    Krista J. Monson is A mother of one beautiful child, who keeps her busy, married to a wonderful man who is supportive of her dream to be a freelance writer.  Krista's hobbies include, but are not limited to reading voraciously, writing, taking long walks, and debating intelligently with friends.
    Krista has strong opinions on many subjects, and is willing to listen to others who might have opposing viewpoints. She writes from the heart, on subjects that are as varied as the people she knows. Krista was born on Ft Huachuca, a military base in Arizona, and lived in Arizona most of her life. She was home schooled when it was realized that the public school system was not providing her with an adequate education. She dreams of being a veterinarian someday, and hopes that her writing will help provide the funding necessary for the years of education required. She is an animal lover, and regrets that currently can not have her cats and dogs living with her. Krista enjoys her extended family and credits her stepfather with being a wonderful teacher and influence. Krista finds juggling the many areas of her life a challenge that stretches her mind and abilities. She has used the challenges in her life to create a person that is still growing and stretching. One of her favorite activities is to help others, and to teach. Krista has spent time volunteering her time and energy to building houses for Habitat for Humanity, helping friends who needed a babysitter, or assistance with moving. She has helped write articles, and is currently working on a book about childcare. Krista is not content to sit upon her accomplishments, but strives to become a better person through knowledge and perseverance.
    She has had articles published at as well as many other places. Currently she is working on a cookbook with her Mother. She also has 2 books she is working on and hopes to see published by the end of 2003.

Rebecca Rothman McCoy
News Columnist for "WPM Newsbreak"

    By all accounts, Rebecca could be considered a "Renaissance woman." She has had many jobs in many fields, including active duty military service and in the entertainment/broadcasting sector. However, writing has always been one of the constants in her life, whether it's been journaling, poetry, or even just extremely lengthy letters to friends. A website and magazine columnist, Rebecca is also a frequently published poet and an e-book author. Her product reviews have appeared in numerous publications, and she is currently writing a few books that have been kicking around inside her head for a while. In addition to her writing, Rebecca is an audiobook technical/content editor and a photographer (freelance and professional portraits).
    As a public eclectic Wiccan with Discordian tendencies for more than twelve years, Rebecca is very involved in Pagan education and activism. She writes Pagan current affairs columns for PanGaia magazine ("Connecting the Dots: A Pagan Perspective on Public Affairs") as well as Pagan World Report ( Rebecca is the news columnist for the WritePaganMoms newsletter, and some of her Pagan news summaries will be featured in Llewellyn Publication's newest annual, The Wicca Almanac (to be released February 2003). She often uses her public Craft name (S. Tifulcrum) when writing, so don't get confused if you see a variety of names with the same photograph. :)  In addition to her writing, Rebecca does freelance photography for Pagan publications such as newWitch, and also does photography of Pagans needing an understanding photographer at special events such as handfastings, baby blessings, or simply family photos in Pagan garb.
    Rebecca is an ordained interfaith minister, and is assistant editor/reviews director of CatKlaw, Inc's e-zine for creativity in writing, Claws in Creativity (  She is also the Research Editor and the New Age/Spirituality reviews editor for Women on Writing (
    Other major life interests are research, genealogy, cross-stitch, psychology, spirituality, comparative religion/historical analysis, and trying not to get TOO interested in every new topic she comes across. Rebecca is pursuing graduate school in psychology with concentrations in spirituality/consciousness, and hopes to eventually combine her photography with her writing in a "coffee table" book of nature imagery.
    Rebecca is mother of one beautiful little girl, one overly perky dog, and very happily married to a wonderful man who indulges her in her many completely unrelated interests.

To Be Announced
Astrological Coordinator/Columnist for "Light & Luna"

Crysty Riggs
Herbs/essential oils columnist for "Herbal Essentials"
Crysty RiggsCrysty Riggs is married and has three children. She spends her time tearing apart and putting her home back together and working on her DIY book for women. Her family has a large collection of animals they have rescued over the years, including seven dogs and twelve cats. Crysty enjoys learning the benefits of natural products, herbal remedies and aromatherapy. Allergies and sensitivities to many of the bath and body products her children were using spurred Crysty to learn to make her own. Her children love helping to make scent blends, rolling candles, and mixing oils. Together with Doug, her husband for six and a half years, they grow many of their own herbs and what vegetables their limited space will allow. Her biggest dream is that one day she will live on a farm with room for many animals and children to play outdoors among trees, water and flowers rather than traffic. Sensitive to other energies, she feels drawn to a place where calm is in the whisper of the wind and the dance of leaves.

To Be Announced
Personality Columnist for "Up Close and Personal"

Hillary Evans
Celebration Coordinator/Columnist for "Let's Celebrate"

    Hilary "Hazelnut" Evans is the mother of three young children. This may very well be the reason she applied to be, and pleasantly was accepted as, the Celebration Coordinator for Write Pagan Moms. Each month she reports on upcoming holidays, and offers family-friendly activities to help you observe together.
    Paganism isn't the only topic that crosses Hilary's desk. She's had articles published on homeschooling, child care, animal rights, surviving rape and domestic abuse, and working from home. She has a second column in The Busy Freelancer Newsletter ( and wrote the Children's Products topic at Suite101 for over a year.
    After surviving an attack during her freshman year at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, Evans returned home to Fort Dodge, Iowa. It is here that she  met and joined with life-partner/musician/daddy extraordinaire, Dennis Ferrand. His band hedhalo goes on tour late inFall 2002. (
    Their first son was born in the summer of 1998. Nathan Conrad Ferrand became the driving force that would turn both parents into work-from-homers. Several failed businesses later, Hilary and Dennis turned totheir passions into their careers and embarked on the frightening expedition of doing what you like for a living. These days their home consists of Hilary, Dennis, Nathan, Strata, Lian and the feline familiar, KittySmurf.
    Paganism became a reality for Hilary early in life, when the teachings of the Catholic Church didn't fit the bill. She studied quietly while completing confirmation, and moving onto college. It wasn't until she was a new mother, however, that her pursuits became focused. She is now a member of two online pagan groups. Hilary is also the founder of the Fort Dodge Homeschool Association.

Llama Lady
WPM Markets Manager/Columnist for "Working On It"
Patty Preheim
    Patty Preheim, also known online as Llama Lady, lives in New Mexico where she and her husband raise llamas and various other animals.  The two of them, along with her father, built the ranch from untouched land. Nearly all the work was done by hand. The homes are concrete monolithic dome-homes and the ranch is completely "off the grid" .  Choosing to use solar and wind power for their electrical needs the great energy efficiency of the dome homes played an important role according to Patty.
    Her new book,"Phyllis~From Mother To Daughter" is a compilation of information received from her mother on the other side.  It was written in hopes to bring closure for some and begin a new spiritual aspect to the lives of others.  At this time the book is in the process of being published by Pineapple Path Publishing and will hopefully be available by December, 2002.
    Although new to the scene in regards to writing and publishing, the eclectic belief system and the ability to channel information can be traced through 4 generations in Patty's family.  Only now is any of this information being offered to others.
    She and her husband have 3 wonderful, grown children.  Now the "kids"  in the house include 2 Great Danes, one "rescue" retired racing Greyhound, 5 cats and an aquarium.  She says that was all that they could fit inside.  She and her husband also raise llamas and peacocks.  The peacocks come in both the traditional Indian Blue and the rare White Peacock.
    Patty finds great pleasure in many hobbies including horses, art, music, gardening, and the making of Faberge and beaded eggs. Creativity is extremely important in Patty's world.   Her greatest joys, besides family and her animal friends, come from her deep spiritual beliefs and her connection with the animal kingdom.

Rev. Janet Schmidt
Website/Book Review Columnist for "The Word"
